Tuesday, January 5, 2010

..sharp pain +_+..

otak daku sgt2 berselirat sekarang..like the pict..daku really2 exhausted..dont know why i begin to lose interest going to school. lots of work yg bertimbun2..dh gaya mcm org gila kuasa je aku kt sekolah..1st week is going to be very and so busy..that's what others say..and as my 1st experience attending the 1st term schooling, i tend to make myself in believing the 'stigma'..and very fortunately, the 'stigma' was true..i'm extremely busy..today was my third day reached home at 4.30p.m..i was too tired and no time for myself at all..nk mandi pn mls coz dlm otak blk umah nk peluk bantal and cium tilam for the rest of the day..penat gile!!!! and of it is my school is quite far from my home, therefore i have to travel about 68km (2 ways) each day..it added the sour la..huhu..bkn nk mengeluh tapi meluahkan..+_+ and today my migrain is on duty~~ blank for few hours..sharp pain in my head..

1 comment:

  1. jauh sgt tu 68km, mmg penat - 136km drving everyday. Wondering, what if the govt increase the price of petrol? Totally disaster for you...
