Saturday, October 27, 2012

爱你, 不是因为你的美和影
Ai ni bu shi yin wei ni de mei er yi
Loving you not because of your beauty. 

我越来越爱你, 每个眼神触动我的心
Wo yue lai yue ai ni mei ge yan shen chu dong wo de xin
I love you more and more, your every eye contact touches my heart.

因为你让我看见forever, 才了解自己,
Yin wei ni rang wo kan jian forever cai liao jie zi ji
Because you let me see forever and then I understand myself.

未来这些日子 要好好珍惜
Wei lai zhe xie ri zi yao hao hao zhen xi
Please treasure the days that are about to come

爱我, 有些痛苦有些不公平
Ai wo you xie tong ku you xie bu gong ping
Loving me, there’ll be some pain and unfairness

如果真的爱我 不是理所当然的决定
Ru guo zhen de ai wo bu shi li suo dang ran de jue ding
If you really love me, it's really not an "of course" decision.

感到你的呼吸在我耳边 像微风深情
Gan dao ni de hu xi zai wo er bian xiang wei feng shen qi
I can feel your breathe next to my ears as magical as breeze passes by.

温柔的安抚, 我的不安定
Wen rou de an fu wo de bu an ding
You softly comfort my uneasiness.

所以我要 每年研究你的笑容ouu…多么自然
Suo yi wo yao mei tian yan jiu ni de xiao rong ouu... duo me zi ran
Therefore I really want to learn your smile every day, ouu... how natural it is

Forever Love, Forever Love
* Forever Love, Forever Love
Forever Love, Forever Love.

Wo zhi xiang yong zhe yi bei zi qu ai ni
I really want to spend my whole life time loving you.

从今以后, 你会是所有 幸福的理由
Cong jin yi hou ni hui shi suo you xing fu de li you *
From this moment on, You will be my ultimate reason of happiness.

爱情, 是场最美最远的旅行
Ai qing shi chang zui mei zui yuan de lu xing
Love is the most beautiful and furthest journey. 

沿途遇经泥泞 偶尔阻碍我们的前进
Yan tu yu ji ni ning ou er zu ai wo men de qian jin
There’ll be rains and mud along the way which sometimes prevent us from going forward

感到你的体温在我怀里 像阳光和煦
Gan dao ni de ti wen zai wo huai li xiang yang guang he xu
I can feel your temperature in my arms as warmly as sunlight.

巧妙的熔化 我的不安定
Qiao miao de rong hua wo de bu an ding
You magically melt my uneasiness

不可思议 证明我爱你的理由 ouu… 多么自然
Bu ke si yi zheng ming wo ai ni de li you ouu... duo me zi ran
Unbelievably, this proves my reason of loving you, ouu… how natural it is

Repeat *

Ni gan dong de yan jing
Your flickering eyes 

Wo chen mo de sheng yin
and my silent voice 

Fang fu jiu shi zui hao de zheng ming
is the best evidence we still loving each other 

就让我再说一次I love you …
Jiu rang wo zai shuo yi ci, I love you...
So please let me repeat this. I love you....

Zhi dao yong yuan...
Until eternity

Repeat *

Forever Love, Forever Love. Oh Forever Love...
Forever Love, Forever Love. Oh Forever Love...
Forever Love, Forever Love. Oh Forever Love...

p/s: I couldn't find the best reason for me to post this entry but I really like the song after listening to Shila performance. then I start to google the lyric and look what I have found, the lyric is not bad and beautiful. enjoy! >__<

Monday, October 15, 2012



When you set out for Ithaka
ask that your way be long,
full of adventure, full of instruction.
The Laistrygonians and the Cyclops,
angry Poseidon - do not fear them:
such as these you will never find
as long as your thought is lofty, as long as a rare
emotion touch your spirit and your body.
The Laistrygonians and the Cyclops,
angry Poseidon - you will not meet them
unless you carry them in your soul,
unless your soul raise them up before you.

Ask that your way be long.
At many a Summer dawn to enter
with what gratitude, what joy -
ports seen for the first time;
to stop at Phoenician trading centres,
and to buy good merchandise,
mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
and sensuous perfumes of every kind,
sensuous perfumes as lavishly as you can;
to visit many Egyptian cities,
to gather stores of knowledge from the learned.

Have Ithaka always in your mind.
Your arrival there is what you are destined for.
But don't in the least hurry the journey.
Better it last for years,
so that when you reach the island you are old,
rich with all you have gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaka to give you wealth.
Ithaka gave you a splendid journey.
Without her you would not have set out.
She hasn't anything else to give you.

And if you find her poor, Ithaka hasn't deceived you.
So wise you have become, of such experience,
that already you'll have understood what these Ithakas mean.

Constantine P. Cavafy 

A great journey requires smart plans, great efforts and endless spirits.
Every hard work and sweat has a price in the end. The bitterness is just a wave of obstacles.
Therefore, never give up because there's always a rainbow after the rain.
Efforts + Du'a + Faith.. let Allah do the rest. HE knows the best.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Left with no reply from you
My friend, the lover
I once knew
No response, no phone call
Time and distance fill our space
You've disappeared 
Without a trace
Even truth would serve me better
With a note, a line

underline the correct answer; PUNISHMENT/REWARD

Friday, February 17, 2012

oh malaysia!!

oh malaysia versi blur.. :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Solat Sunat Witir


Solat Witir adalah salah satu solat sunat yang sangat dituntut untuk dikerjakan.

Hukum solat Witir adalah Sunnat Muakkad. 

Jumlah maksima solat witir itu ialah 11 rakaat (6 salam), sebaik-baiknya 3 rakaat (2 salam) dan sekurang-kurangnya satu rakaat sahaja.

Di antara fadhilat solat witir ialah :
1. Para malaikat turut menyaksi atas kesungguhan amalannya.
2. Lebih afdhal daripada sunat Rawatib yang lain
3. "Sesungguhnya Allah itu witir (ganjil), dan Dia menyukai witir, maka lazimkanlah solat witir, wahai ahli Al-Quran." Riwayat Abu Daud dan Tirmizi.

Niat Solat Sunat Witir Dua Rakaat

أصَلِّي سُنَّةَ الوِتْرِ رَكَعَتَيْنِ لِلهِ تَعالىَ

"Aku solat sunnat witir dua rakaat kerana Allah Taala"

Niat Solat Sunat Witir Satu Rakaat

أصَلِّي سُنَّةَ الوِتْرِ رَكَعَةً لِلهِ تَعالىَ

Aku solat sunnat witir satu rakaat kerana Allah Taala"

Zikir Selepas Solat Witirسُبْحَانَ اللَّهُ الْمَلِكِ الْقُدُّوسِ

Dibaca tiga kali sebelum membaca doa :

Doa Solat Witir
 "Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung dengan keredhaanMu daripada kemurkaanMu,
dan aku berlindung dengan kemaafanMu daripada balasanMu,
dan aku berlindung denganMu seperti pujiMu sendiri ke atas diriMu.
Maka segala pujian dan sanjungan sehingga Engkau redhai."

p/s: berpesan kpd diri sendiri dan insan2 yg tersayang. sekurang2nya hanya satu rakaat di setiap malam :)